Montse Ferragut LMBT

About CST

The body’s natural tendency is well being. It is constantly guiding us towards a dynamic balance with effortless action and cyclical growth. In addition, it interrelates all structures of the body as a whole, as one, including emotions that might still be trapped in the tissue from previous experiences.

Blockages and restrictions are formed when there are physical and/or emotional traumas. Even everyday stress or anxieties can contribute to restrictions, disturbing the natural well being of the body. For instance, a new born could have restrictions created during pregnancy and during the process of birth. Children can experience tension patterns along the various developmental stages. Teenagers dealing with any dental work may suffer from TMJ pain or headaches.

In conclusion, any age group experiencing emotional, physical trauma and/or the effects of a stressful everyday life can benefit from Craniosacral Therapy.  

CST can support you in a very gentle way to help your body return to its natural state of ease. It releases physical and/or emotional restrictions in the body. It also encourages a better flow of fluids (blood, lymph and cerebrospinal fluid) promoting health and balance.

Through out all the cycles of life we can find softness, resilience, grounding, strength and lightness. Most importantly, allowing us the possibility to navigate our journey joyfully. Although life’s experiences present challenges, we can find a path of connection to Self that is very empowering.

What to expect

For a session of CST you will remain fully dressed, preferably with comfortable clothes and no belt. As your body begins to relax, the body temperature tends to drop so you will always have the option to use a blanket to remain comfortable through out the session.

The touch is gentle, however at times when we reach the edge of a restriction, the tension might buildup feeling more pressure or tightness in that area, or even another part of the body since it is all interconnected, until it lets go and releases. This should never be painful.

You will most likely experience a very deep relaxation as restrictions are released in the body. We are guided by the body through the craniosacral rhythm and in deep connection to the Parasympathetic system which encourages renewal and balance.

During this journey you might also experience a ripple or a wave of emotion come to the surface. It might be accompanied by a memory or not. Either way is fine, this is a sign that your body is processing a previous experience that had remained stored in the body.  

Integrating Essential Oils

If you are open to working with essential oils, I will start the session using the iTovi scanner to identify which oils can better serve you at that moment.  I find that by working with essential oils we can benefit from all the wonderful properties they have to offer.

You just hold the scanner in your hand for a couple of seconds and with the Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) technology, it sends out the different frequencies of the essential oils and connects to your body’s electrical signature. 

The iTovi scan will create a report offering the three strongest responses for essential oils that could serve you the most at that time. You will receive this report via email.

After identifying them, I will apply them to the bottom of your feet knowing that they are already supporting you physically and emotionally.  We will then proceed with the CST session. 

Let me know if you ever want a roll-on with your unique blend. Cost:$20.


“How can we support or yield into the process of our cyclical growth?”

Montse Ferragut

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